Dear New England CoDA Members
The New England CoDA Alliance Board has decided to change the way we gather information about meetings. The purpose of gathering this information is to better inform us of how our CoDA meetings are doing. We use this information to help us determine where to focus our energies including finding ways to help meetings that are struggling.
Instead of having people share information verbally during our meetings, which takes up time that could best be spent on discussions regarding the work we are doing, an email will be sent out prior to each meeting requesting information. This will also allow those of you who don't attend our Board meetings to let us know about your meetings.
If you are interested in sharing information about your meeting with us, please send an email to before each monthly meeting. Reminder emails will be sent each month. Please include a short synopsis of how your meeting is doing and whether you feel your meeting could use some type of support.
Our next Board meeting is Saturday, February 10, on Zoom. The cutoff for submitting information this month is Wednesday, February 7, at 5pm, giving us enough time to include the information in the agenda. Another reminder will be sent 2 days before the cutoff. And, remember, you are all welcome to join us at our monthly meeting so please let us know if you'd like to join us by emailing !
In Service,
The New England CoDA Alliance Board