CoDA Prayers
The Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference.
Grant me Patience with the changes that take time,
Appreciation of all that I have,
Tolerance of those with different struggles,
And the Strength to get up and try again,
One Day at a Time.
CoDA Opening Prayer
In the spirit of love and truth, we ask our Higher Power,
To guide us as we share our experience, strength, and hope.
We open our hearts to the light of wisdom,
The warmth of love, and the joy of acceptance.
Step One Prayer
In this moment, I do not have to control anyone, including me. And if I feel uncomfortable with what another person is doing or not doing, I can remind myself that I am powerless over this person and I am powerless over my compulsion to act in inappropriate ways.
Step Two Prayer
In this moment, I can believe that I am never alone; I can experience the sense of freedom that having a Higher Power offers me. I can remind myself that believing is also an action, and if I am willing to practice it, one moment at a time, I will develop faith.
Step Three Prayer
In this moment, I can choose my own Higher Power. I can set aside all the old beliefs about who I am not and be who I am—a child of God. I can remind myself that a faith in a Higher Power becomes a faith in me, and that my recovery lies in being true to myself and to my Higher Power
Step Four Prayer
In this moment, I am willing to see myself as I truly am: a growing, unfolding spiritual being resting in the hands of a loving God. I can separate who I am from what I’ve done knowing that the real me is emerging—loving, joyful, and whole.
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CoDA Closing Prayer
We thank our Higher Power,
For all we have received from this meeting.
As we close, may we take with us
The wisdom, love, acceptance, and hope of recovery.
Content re-published from the book Co-Dependents Anonymous, ISBN: 0-9647105-0-1 with the permission of Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.
©1995 - Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc. - Library of Congress Catalog Number 95-6915