Service Work & 12th Step Opportunities
Service Work in CoDA offers a new dimension of recovery and personal satisfaction through goal-oriented accomplishment, skill development, and Fellowship.
There are many ways to be in service to the CoDA Intergroup, below is a list of such opportunities.
Many service positions are open in the New England CoDA Alliance.
There are also Outreach opportunities for working with the community.
Trusted Servants of a CoDA Home Group/Meeting
Many newcomers to CoDA groups in the New England area hear old timers talking about “GSRs” and “state delegates," but have no understanding of what these terms mean or what service positions exist at the meeting, intergroup, and national levels. The following are brief descriptions of the basic duties of the trusted servants of a CoDA group/meeting. These are suggested guidelines and your meeting may elect to add, delete, or combine certain responsibilities.
NOTE: This position often rotates with each meeting or for a certain length of time.
Runs the meeting according to CoDA endorsed guidelines.
Follows group conscience, which may include time limits on sharing, length of meeting, and crosstalk guidelines.
Requests that all in attendance comply with meeting facility guidelines.
Offers a special welcome to newcomers and refers them to available CoDA literature.
Passes on information to the new chairperson at the end of their term.
Sets up the meeting room as needed for the meeting.
Secures and maintains the meeting room, according to group conscience and facility guidelines.
Runs any regularly scheduled business meetings.
Acts as group’s liaison to the meeting facility.
Passes on information to the new secretary at the end of their term.
Literature person:
Puts CoDA-endorsed literature out at the meeting.
Keeps track pf group literature supplies and reorders as needed.
Obtains funds from the group treasurer to restock literature.
Passes on information to the new literature person at the end of their term.
Keeps the financial records of the group, and regularly reports the group’s financial status.
Pays the rent to the meeting facility for use of the meeting room.
Disburses Seventh Tradition funds in accordance with the meeting’s group conscience, with money in excess of a prudent reserve, suggested 70% to New England CoDA Alliance and 30% to CoDA National.
Passes on information to the new treasurer at the end of their term
Group Service Representative (GSR):
Attends the monthly New England CoDA Alliance meetings.
As necessary and if they exist, attends local CoDA community and state service meetings.
Carries the group conscience to all such meetings on matters affecting CoDA as a whole, then reports back to the group on the meetings’ outcomes.
Ensures that the group is aware of any local, intergroup, or national CoDA updates, announcements, and flyers.
Passes on information to the new group service representative at the end of their term.
Refreshment/Setup person:
Sets out refreshments, coffee, etc., making sure to use only your group’s supplies.
Checks weekly if any of the refreshment supplies are getting low and restocks as needed.
Obtains funds from the group treasurer to restock refreshments.
Cleans up the refreshment area and takes care of the trash.
Passes on information to the new refreshment/setup person at the end of their term.
Phone contact person:
Makes first name and phone number available on local, intergroup, and national meeting lists.
Is available to receive phone calls in order to give directions to the meetings.
Trusted Servants of New England CoDA Alliance
The New England CoDA Alliance is a service board elected to conduct CoDA business in the New England area including Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. The Alliance meets monthly on the first Saturday of each month by conference call. All GSRs of CoDA meetings and state delegates are urged to attend and all members are welcome. If your group has a concern, Intergroup is the forum for exploring the issue.
New England CoDA Alliance is responsible for:
Communicating with GSRs;
Providing information to people seeking meetings;
Producing and distributing meeting lists at least quarterly;
Publishing the New England CoDA Alliance newsletter Insight at least quarterly;
Publishing other relevant information of concern to local meetings;
Supplying CoDA literature for CoDA meetings and events;
Holding two Intergroup Assembly Meetings per year, in the Spring and Fall;
Holding an annual Convention, usually in the Fall.
The Spring and Fall Assemblies are opportunities for fellowship and forums for discussion of region wide concerns. All Intergroup terms of office expire at a Spring Assembly, but not all terms expire at the same time.
State Delegate:
Members are eligible to be a State Delegate or Alternate State Delegate if they are:
Active CoDA members
Attending a Spring or Fall Intergroup Assembly meeting
Familiar with the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
Presently serving as a GSR with a year’s experience, OR Have two years of CoDA GSR experience in the past
State Delegate Job Description:
Attends the National Service Conference whose location rotates annually. At this working conference, Delegates create and review policies and literature for CoDA National;
Represents their state at all times while conference is in session;
Joins a national committee and works on the committee when the conference is not in session;
Works throughout the year on a national committee;
Act as a resource for local meetings during the year.
Term is two years with an option for a third year.
New England CoDA Alliance Board of Directors
The Board of New England CoDA Alliance conducts the business of CoDA in the New England area between the Spring and Fall Assembly Meetings. Members are eligible to be an Intergroup Board member if they are:
Active CoDA members;
Attending a Spring or Fall Alliance Assembly meeting;
Familiar with the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions;
Presently serving as a GSR with a year’s experience, or have two years of CoDA GSR experience in the past.
Board Member Job Description:​​
Attend monthly conference call on a regular basis;
participate actively in Intergroup services;
Term is two years.